HORIBA PX-375 Continuous Particulate Monitor with X-ray Fluorescence

Continuous elemental and particulate mass analysis with automatic sampling

There has been a growing concern regarding particulate matter (PM) pollution and its effects on health. For effective preventative measures, the determination of source PM concentration is extremely important. Therefore, indication of PM and elemental concentrations is critical. The PX-375 analyzer employs automatic sampling, continuous on-line PM quantitative and qualitative analysis for rapid air pollution measurements.

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Extended Warranty



  • Continuous analysis of PM mass and the elemental concentration by a single unit directly in the field.
  • Adoption of world proven technologies: X-ray fluorescence & Beta-ray attenuation.
  • HORIBA’s filter tape provides excellent sensitivity and precise performance
  • Installed CMOS camera enables observation of collected particulate sample on the filter.
  • User friendly display and operations

<Table 1> Lowest Detection Limit (Example) (2σ) (ng/m3)

* LDL (σ) is half of the LDL (2σ)

<Table 2> Detectable Elements

O – Standard parameters, calibrated by standard calibration materials.
* For measurement of element concentration calibration by standard calibration materials is needed.
* Please contact separately about elements, marked as non-detectable.

The specifications, appearance or other aspects of products are subject to change without notice.  Please contact us if you prefer the demo to consider the purchase of this product.



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