Flux monitoring identifies shorted rotor turns through the measurement of the local magnetic field emanated from each rotor pole to identify:
- Shorted turns on a rotor pole
- Variation of pole’s physical position
- Out of round rotor shape
- Changes in the air gap between rotor and stator
Data Acquisition
- Ideally used with permanently installed Iris Power Total Flux Probe (TFProbe) or Folding Flux Probe (FFProbe)
- Inputs for shaft sync sensor (Keyphasor) for pole determination when shorts are detected.
- Custom built, ultra-high resolution digital data acquisition module, including on-board switchable attenuation for maximum resolution measurements using virtually any flux probe
- High speed acquisition capability creates a table of results covering each pole and each load point
Data Analysis
The RFAII and RotorFluxPro software provides instant analysis to indicate the presence and location any rotor poles with shorted turns .
Analyzing the voltage waveforms in real time, comparing average and discrete flux readings, and trending readings to identify anomalies in the flux due to shorted turns.
- Rugged portable instrument connects to a control computer using USB and Ethernet interfaces
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